This is the place where you can get involved, create and play

Normally Mischievous Theatre CIC would be creating events, workshops, talks and come-and-get-involved-sessions but … due to the plague that seems to have settled on the whole world we are advised to keep our heads down and our participation to an absolute minimum … so please, watch this space, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and … smoke signals, morse code, yodelling … and hopefully we’ll see you all safe and well in the near future!
This is the place where you can get involved, create and play
Normally Mischievous Theatre CIC would be creating events, workshops, talks and come-and-get-involved-sessions but … due to the plague that seems to have settled on the whole world we are advised to keep our heads down and our participation to an absolute minimum … so please, watch this space, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and … smoke signals, morse code, yodelling … and hopefully we’ll see you all safe and well in the near future!
This is the place where you can get involved, create and play
Normally Mischievous Theatre CIC would be creating events, workshops, talks and come-and-get-involved-sessions but … due to the plague that seems to have settled on the whole world we are advised to keep our heads down and our participation to an absolute minimum … so please, watch this space, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and … smoke signals, morse code, yodelling … and hopefully we’ll see you all safe and well in the near future!