Lewis Carroll in Wonderland
Available from September 2023.Charles Lutwidge Dodgson; a prominent Victorian, a mathematician, Oxford don, photographer, deacon in the Anglican Church, inventor, pamphleteer, prolific letter writer, Euclidian, and, as Lewis Carroll, a successful writer of fiction, mainly for children. Was the author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland shy and prim or charming and manipulative, obsessed with little girls or broad-minded, unconventional and ambiguous? A man with no life or a complex, spiritual man with an inquiring mind and a penchant for disappearing behind a smoke-screen of his own making? Charles Dodgson died of pneumonia on 14th January 1898. “Lewis Carroll in Wonderland” takes place in an imagined delirious split-second before he draws his terminal breath. He enters a dreamland: a surreal wonderland in which he questions his life, his loves, his beliefs and his very existence.
“Who in the world am I?”
“Lewis Carroll in Wonderland” features live action, projection, a soundscape, music, illusion – some laughs, some tears and a great many surprises.

The play is designed for arts centres, theatres, festivals, community venues and village halls.
Please Note:
Booking Now: available from 11th September 2023
For enquiries please contact Clive at the email below.
Lewis Carroll in Wonderland
Available from Easter 2022.Charles Lutwidge Dodgson; a prominent Victorian, a mathematician, Oxford don, photographer, deacon in the Anglican Church, inventor, pamphleteer, prolific letter writer, Euclidian, and, as Lewis Carroll, a successful writer of fiction, mainly for children. Was the author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland shy and prim or charming and manipulative, obsessed with little girls or broad-minded, unconventional and ambiguous? A man with no life or a complex, spiritual man with an inquiring mind and a penchant for disappearing behind a smoke-screen of his own making? Charles Dodgson died of pneumonia on 14th January 1898. “Lewis Carroll in Wonderland” takes place in an imagined delirious split-second before he draws his terminal breath. He enters a dreamland: a surreal wonderland in which he questions his life, his loves, his beliefs and his very existence.
“Who in the world am I?”
“Lewis Carroll in Wonderland” features live action, projection, a soundscape, music, illusion – some laughs, some tears and a great many surprises.

The play is designed for arts centres, theatres, festivals, community venues and village halls.
Please Note:
Booking Now: available from 2nd May 2023
For enquiries please contact Clive at the email below.
Lewis Carroll in Wonderland
Available from Easter 2022.Charles Lutwidge Dodgson; a prominent Victorian, a mathematician, Oxford don, photographer, deacon in the Anglican Church, inventor, pamphleteer, prolific letter writer, Euclidian, and, as Lewis Carroll, a successful writer of fiction, mainly for children. Was the author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland shy and prim or charming and manipulative, obsessed with little girls or broad-minded, unconventional and ambiguous? A man with no life or a complex, spiritual man with an inquiring mind and a penchant for disappearing behind a smoke-screen of his own making? Charles Dodgson died of pneumonia on 14th January 1898. “Lewis Carroll in Wonderland” takes place in an imagined delirious split-second before he draws his terminal breath. He enters a dreamland: a surreal wonderland in which he questions his life, his loves, his beliefs and his very existence.
“Who in the world am I?”
“Lewis Carroll in Wonderland” features live action, projection, a soundscape, music, illusion – some laughs, some tears and a great many surprises.

The play is designed for arts centres, theatres, festivals, community venues and village halls.
Please Note:
Booking Now: available from 2nd May 2023
For enquiries please contact Clive at the email below.